- August 2, 2024. Physical Review Letters selects our beam pipe paper to be a PRL Editors' Suggestion! About 1 in 6 Letters are chosen to be highlighted on the front page of the journal as PRL Editors' Suggestions, which makes them twice as likely to be cited and downloaded. Congratulations to Aditya Upreti who led this work.
- July 29 - Aug 2, 2024. MoEDAL technical coordinator Dr. Soluk visits our lab to help prepare the ALSO (Alabama Scintillator Outrigger) detector modules for eventual deployment as part of MAPP-1 detector at the LHC. See the Highlights section for some photos.
- July 22-26, 2024. MoEDAL has two of its new papers accepted by Physical Review Letters in one week. Not a bad pace!
- February 2024. Two papers led by our group submitted back-to-back. Congratulations to Aditya Upreti for leading the MoEDAL search for magnetic monopoles in the CMS beam pipe, and to Dhanurdhar, Wei, and Audrey for contributing to the paper on the reflective coatings for next-generation rare-event searches.
- November 2023. Congratulations to Aditya Upreti for winning the semi-finals of the Three Minute Thesis competion at UA and good luck in the upcoming Finals!
- August 2023. The group is looking for a postdoc (To be stationed at CERN, $60-63k/yr, plus CERN-recommended health insurance). See the ad or email [email protected]. Graduate student assistanships are also available
- June 2023. EXO-20 publishes a paper on using generative adversarial network for simulating scintillation light signals. A collaborative effort by the EXO-200's deep learning group, led by UCSD and UA, finally came to fruition
- April 2023. Four of us presented their work at the APS April meeting in Minneapolis. Wei Wang talked about the liquid xenon system (LIXO2), Audrey Best talked about fast optical simulations of LIXO2 system using GPUs, Dhanurdhar presented his work on improving position reconstruction of S2 signals in DARWIN, and Aditya gave an update on his magnetic monopole searches
- July 2022. DARWIN has published a paper on GPU-based optical simulations. Congrats to Luke Jones for being one of the leaders (and a corresponding author!) of this effort
- April 2022. Article in April's issue of Physics Today discusses our recent monopole search in more details. Also, a nice video about the search on the Dr. Brian Keating's YouTube channel
- March 2022. More publicity for our Nature paper. See the piece in InsideScience and Physics Today
- February 2022. Congratulations to Aditya for leading the analysis and producing results for a Nature paper! Read the UA press release or a Phys.org article
- October 2021. Aditya goes to CERN to participate in MoEDAL preparations for LHC Run3, while Dhanurdhar participates in measurements of muon capture on Ba-136 at the Paul Scherrer Institute
- June 2021. Postdoc position available. See the ad or email [email protected]
- May 2021. Aditya participates in the heavy ion calibration of the MoEDAL NTD detectors at the NSRL
- May 2021. Aditya gives a talk at the ECT Workshop on Heavy Ions and New Physics
- April 2021. Molly organizes an outreach activity. Dozen of students from the Tuscaloosa-area schools learn about magnetic monopoles and participate in citizen science analysis of the MoEDAL data
- April 2021. Aditya, Alysse, and Luke give talks at the APS April meeting
- April 2021. Aditya gives a talk at the Young Scientist Forum of the Rencontres de Moriond conference.
- January 2021. MoEDAL's paper on the first search for dyons (particles with electric and magnetic charge proposed by Schwinger) is accepted to PRL
- December 2020. Congrats to Aditya Upreti for being promoted to the Deputy Software Coordinator role on the MoEDAL@LHC experiment!
- August 2020. Videos from the DANCE-ML workshop are now available on YouTube. Check out presentations about Machine Learning in our experiment (EXO) and the career panel
- June 2020. Our paper on the spectral shape of the beta‐decay of Xe‐137 to the ground state of Cs‐137 is published in PRL. In addition to providing a rare and accurate measurement of the first‐forbidden non‐unique beta‐decay
shape, this work resulted in a novel test of the calculated electron spectral shapes in the context of the reactor
antineutrino anomaly and spectral bump - April 2020. While at CERN, Andie Wall started working with a few collaborators (including John Ellis, CBE FRS) on prospects to search for long-lived charged particles with MoEDAL. Their paper is now on arXiv
- April 2020. Kudos to Andie Wall for being accepted to the University of Pennsylvania's graduate school, one of the top US graduate schools in elementary particle physics! Best of luck with your Ph.D. studies
- February 17, 2020. The CERN Bulletin has a piece on our most recent MoEDAL paper on the search for dyons, to which our group contributed
- January 17, 2020. Our paper presenting a first measurement of angle-resolved PDE and reflectance of a Silicon Photomultiplier in liquid xenon is published in JINST
- July 9, 2019. MoEDAL published a new search for magnetic monopoles. Congrats to Andie Wall, who helped with cross-section and acceptance calculations, on her first PRL paper!
- April 26, 2019. Congrats to Hank for landing the Goldwater Scholarship, the most prestigious national undergraduate scholarship given in the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics
- April, 2019. Congratulations to our undergraduate students Andie Wall and Hank Richards, who landed Summer REUs at CERN and Duke University!
- August 29, 2018, Our first Deep Learning paper is published in JINST
- August, 2018, Nvidia Corporation grants the group its third TitanX GPU to support fast photon tracking simulations in nEXO
- July, 2018. Updated search for magnetic monopoles with MoEDAL is published (read the PLB article).
- April, 2018. Congratulations to our undergraduate students Hank Richards, Jessica Thompson, and Andie Wall, who landed Summer REUs at Vanderbilt University, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, and Università di Bologna!
- Nov 22, 2017. We participate in a heavy ion beam calibration at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory
- Aug 30, 2017. Nvidia Corporation kindly granted us another TitanX GPU card to support deep learning analysis of MoEDAL data
- Feb 10, 2017. MoEDAL publishes a first search for magnetic monopoles in 13 TeV p-p collisions at LHC (read the PRL article)
- Oct 1, 2016. Physics Today dedicates its front page to the MoEDAL monopole search. Read online
- Sep 1, 2016. Student positions available. E-mail [email protected]
- Aug 10, 2016. The LHC MoEDAL experiment publishes its first paper on search for magnetic monopoles. See CERN's press release
- May 3, 2016. The EXO-200 experiment restarts after a long hiatus. See Symmetry Magazine article